POLYDRON, Primary Maths Set, Pack of, 414 pieces


ESPO International

Normal price £288.05

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The complete classroom set for primary schools. This 414 mathematical shapes piece set contains: 20 Hexagons, 40 Squares, 100 Equilateral Triangles, 24 Pentagons, 80 Right Angled Triangles, 60 Isosceles Triangles, 50 Root 2 Triangles, 30 Rectangles, 10 Octagons, an Exploring Booklet and Gratnells Tray.

Geometric Construction System, designed to promote creative and educational development. The brightly coloured pieces made from tough ABS plastic simply snap together allowing them to hinge through 260°, and are highly flexible. POLYDRON is a favourite with teachers of the National Curriculum because of its wide range of applications.

  • Curriculum
  • Geometry
  • Maths